Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama Sends Mixed Messages on Drug Policy

This brilliant article from Cannabis Culture  entitled "If Obama Can't Articulate His Position on Marijuana, Why Won't He Reconsider It?" was written by NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano.

An excerpt from the article reads:

Audience member: "If you can't legalize marijuana, why can't we just legalize medical marijuana, to help the people that need it?"
Obama: "Well, you know, a lot of states are making decisions about medical marijuana. As a controlled substance, the issue then is, you know, is it being prescribed by a doctor, as opposed to, you know -- well -- I'll -- I'll -- I'll -- I'll leave it at that."
It appears that President Obama is sending mixed signals and cannot form a firm opinion on this topic, therefore I am in agreement with the author of the article. Obama SHOULD reconsider his position on marijuana policies for medicinal and even recreational use.

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